Thursday, February 23, 2006

The Carpenter's family

No no... I'm not talking about the band called Carpenters.

It's a revelation that anne rice got and she pass it on in her book called CHRIST THE LORD.

Jesus's family was in the carpentering business. His 'earthly father', Joseph was a carpenter and naturally, Jesus was brought up in the same trade. It's a family business indeed.

God the Father too is an carpenter from time to time.

God instructed step by step, measurement by measurement to noah to build the ark.

God instructed Moses on the specify measurements for the tabernacle.

God Himself, created the whole world the way it is.

It never came to my mind. So mind blowing.

btw, pls feed me some ego food? be frank i beg of you

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Father's love

I've always wanted to post this revelation but i didn't have the time to do.

And now in the silence of the night (not really.. i'm listening to take off my shoes now :D) i'll do it.

A couple of weeks ago. I was down at sister mag's shop discussing some stuffs. I have known sister mag for almost 10years now as i think back. Anyway, that's not the point of the story. So as i was about to leave, sis mag ask me if i needed a ride back to tampines since brother gabriel is coming to pick her up. And since i was in a rush to get home to change and head to the airport to help delirious? load up their gear, i agreed. So it was time to go and sis mag carried little anthiel and got on the car. On the journey, anthiel was crying and making alot alot of noise. I couldn't stand it! I was really on my nerves. I can't stand babies crying! I will have a sudden rush of blood to my head! And so i endured.

At this moment, we stopped at a traffic junction. It's red light. Brother gabriel turn back and lovingly talk to baby anthiel, "why? tired ar?". Then he turn and smile at me. At that point, i thought of ABBA Father in heaven. How many times we must have been like crying babies to God? Crying, complaining and making so much noise to Him. And then, Abba Father looks at us with compassion and love, "why? tired ar? I know it's tough. i understand." Smile at us and fill us with His presense, overwhelm us with His love and strenghten us.

Today, i drop by sis mag shop. Baby anthiel was there. She did make some noise too but this time, my skin did not jump out from my body. Instead, i wanted to cuddle her. She look so beautiful. So amazing. A little life that springs out. I put myself into the shoes of a father. I'm amazed at the wonderful feeling of having your own child. Now, i finally understand why someone would want a child of their own. And i too, would want one i can call my own.

Friday, February 17, 2006

I'll take off my shoes

My current fav. worship song.

by Delirious?
(Mission bells)

I'll take off my shoes
i'm coming in
Untie this rope
I'm staying with Him
Love of my life
I'll live and die
Just for the moments
For my King and I

Why did you call
Why did you wait
For someone so guilty
Someone so fake
There are no words
For my beautiful song
Now i'm in the arms of my beautiful one

Hold me, Blow all the pride
From my bones, With your fire
Hold me, Breathe on this heart
Made of stone, keep it pure
Hold me, Saviour of Heaven and
Earth, King forever
Hold me, Love of my life lead me on
Through the fire, lead me on

I'll take off this crown
And fall at your feet
The secret of joy
ARe the moments we meet
How could a man
With all of your Fame
Pull me from darkness
And call me by name

So hold me today
As i carry Your cross
Into the dessert to
Find who is lost
Look at my hands
They're still full of faith
God keep them clean
Till we finish the race.

As i was attending Bible study on Wednesday. We're learning about the unique features of the adamic race. Why is it so different from all other race and creation that ELOHIM GOD created.
Gen 2 : 7
Then the LORD GOD took some soil from the ground and formed a man out of it; he breathed life-giving breath into his nostrils and the man began to live.

The 'LORD GOD' in this passage in hebrew is 'JEHOVAH GOD'. Which is different in Gen 1:1 when 'GOD' in that passage in hebrew is 'ELOHIM GOD' which also means Creator God.

We all know how much names have such significant important. We, the human race, have the name of God 'stamp' on us! We are created to fellowship with JEHOVAH GOD.

As that sink into my heart, i started to teared. The song i just mention started to play in my mind. I heard it and i was so overwhelmed. WE are made to fellowship with GOD. Fellowship...

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Awesome weekend!

Delirious was awesome! Most of you who are reading this blog would already know that Delirious was in church for service.. I completely enjoyed the time. I had the chance to shake hand with the drummer and came face to face to the rest of the band members. Awesome la. haha.. I got something.. which.. if u come my hse then u'll see it :D v.special gift from Delirious.

Anyway, after the sunday service, i went to serve again at Roland Seafood Restaurant. Then i was blessed with Anne Rice's Christ the Lord. I'm half way thru it and i got to say, it's a amazing piece of work! So much research and it's a fresh perspective of Christ our LORD while growing up.

Anyway, I just heard a v.sad story. Someone i know suspects that her husband might be messing ard with another woman, again. humph. She said to me, "all man can't be trusted. My husband can't be trusted." And to think that she must be going thru what my mum had been thru or rather still going thru. I don't know what to say to her. She so much older than me. I can't find the words to comfort her.

Man. We are called to be the head of the family. We are called to love our wife like how Christ love His church. When i heard her words, my heart became v.burden. This world is missing manhood. The man lacks manhood. That in turn hurt others. Man. Rise up. Be like Christ. Love your wife. Manhood and Christ-likeness is Synonymous.

Lord, makes us more like You
Everyday as we look into the spiritual mirror
We will see more of You and less of us.
We give you our all in exchange for all of You!

Friday, February 03, 2006

i'm a promise and secret keeper.

I just can't get over it!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

you cannot have what God hasn't given

I was praying just now.

Proverbs 3:5-8
Trust in the LORD with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know. Remember The LORD in everything you do, and HE will show you the right way. Never let yourself think that you are wiser than you are; simply obey the LORD and refuse to do wrong. If you do, it will be like good medicine, healing your wounds and easing you pains.

Hey friend,

you don't need to avoid me. i hope we can be friends like before. Now, we're more like mere aquaintances. CAn we be good friends like before? sharing stuff with each other and all. As a good friend and that's that.

Yours truly.

a journey

i was on the way back home yesterday and i saw a friend of mine on the bus back.

Have not seen him for a while so we chatted and stuff.

What he offered wasn't something nice to listen at all. Heart wrenching story. I can't believe after all that, he still chose to believe. He still chose to love her. At the same time, agony fills his face as he look at uncertainties in the face. The coldness that she's displaying, the fact that she is so v.attractive, the fact that she all so popular with everyone brings nothing but weight to the already heavy laden heart of his. He told me that Qns runs in his mind all the time. But those qns will be unanswered or answered in a fashion that will kill him.

I've never seen him cry. The longing(not for lust, mind u) and desire to be with the person he really love are in those tears that slips down his cheek. Can she ever know how he feels? I'm not too sure about that. I can't do nothing for him except to cry and silently offering a prayer to God in my heart.