Happy New Year
This year, i had a quiet New year spent watching the ships anchoredalong singapore fire their flares into the night sky. Only pity is, not
all of them fired. If all of them did so synchonised, it'll be a sight
to behold. It was really quite quiet. All i hear is my brother and his
GF's voice, my camera snapping and my voice going, press, steady,
don't shake so much, click, click...
I have not really thought of my resolutions for this year yet.
But one thing is for sure, i'm going to go phuket somewhere
during jan or feb. That probably is my first resolution? haha.
I wanted to leave on monday but it's peak period and everything
seems so expensive. So, i might wait til Feb. End January is CNY
so i can't forget about that, unless.. hmm... don't think so la.
My traveling partner will probably want to stay and visit relatives.
I'll leave you guys with this image that really touch my heart.
I was just surfing around on the net and saw this. Be blessed!

almost tot u photoshop it :P
haha. nope. i didn't. It's not my photo. Who is this?
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