Hey all,
Well, long absence was because of very busy schedule.
I've finished on the reshoot of August 29 (short film) on friday 210907.
Prior to this, i was preparing for the production.
So, i wrapped on friday night and saturday morning back to work at 10am.
CHEC photography students were graduating so we are preparing an exhibition
of their works which happened yesterday. So, finally, i have a breather since
SOT. But, i guess, the exhibition is not what i am really into, so the video i did,
according to my boss, was not good enuff, so kena whacked. haha. sigh.
That's me. When i feel used, then i won't take the task too seriously.
Also seems like one desire of my heart might not come to pass
after all which is a killer blow.
With all this reasons, it's a good excuse to get out of town for 3days!
No pictures on this post, but i guess the next one will have because of
my holiday. First time going overseas with friends and on my birthday!
see you guys when i'm back!
A good 41/2 months

This will probably be the longest blog entry so far.
I am going to summarised my whole School of Theology 2007
in one blog entry. Mostly, what i'll miss, in photos!
I will miss...
The times in the van to school

Visiting the toilet after breakfast

Waking him up in class

Worshiping at 845am every morning. This was taken on the last day of school

People sleeping during breaks

I will not miss preaching test!

I will not miss assignments as well!

Humph. will i miss sending people off at airport?

I will miss seeing people trying to wake themselves up

I will miss this hilarious dude

I will not miss.. the bbq steamboat. I will miss my team of course. :P

I will miss huiyi's drawing in class

I will miss these 3 "van riders."

I will miss my taiwanese friends

I will miss candid moments like these. i think kelly will kill me if she sees this.

I will miss melvin migin

I will miss me goofing around.

Now for the graduation day!
It was an almost perfect graduation ceremony. Almost. Sigh.
I didn't manage to take photo with someone i really wanted to.
Anyway, here it goes. I've been at this blog entry for 2hrs!
First! MY mom!! She's always very supportive since i was a kid.
Praying that God will save her! I love you MOM!
My aunt came, but they left before i could take a picture with them..

View from where i'm sitting

Power of two alvin = blurness

Jiahao is the MD for CHC KL

Wei Lu, my taiwanese friennd

Melvin Migin! white horse! hehe..

Maggie, taiwanese friend! PA to pst Wayne

huiyi, the jean danker lookalike.

Joyce, children church. Know her since sec 3

Karen, she used to sell me ham and cheese sandwich.

Kok Siang, my opinion, the best minister of the year!

Chen Bin, team mate

Amazing Malaysian couple!!

David Ang, Beri good guitarist and joker

Guo Liang, my taiwanese friend

Hey joo, who is so unbelievably "innocent"

Michelle, Qiaoru, from e432, power packed soul winners

Jian ning, my adviser. haha.

Sally, Ms Emerge!

Vita, taiwanese friend

Amazing couple, Welton and eigene! talented chaps!

Valerie, female guitarist

Wendy, Joo's good friend! city hall bus buddy

Yan qing and weiqing from 9 lives

My room mate from taiwan. ha.

My team mate

Ying, cool woman who already have her own car

Yun Chang's wife

Yun Chang, also another power pack couple.
So Touched by their testimony during grad day.

Laveen, photography student from CHEC.

Liwei, Laveen's cg member

Magdalene, my long time friend. Since old hollywood days.

Michelle, the owner of a brand new mac book!

Rosy, one of the van riders. She is the vehicle commander.

Janice, my zone member

Part of the 1st JB mission trip. Mostly taiwanese.

My sound buddies! pun not intended.

Joanne, a very good cook! i miss your food!

Kelly, team mate, who always collect from me.

Jian Lee aka Ali, zone member

Chikara, japanese classmate

The Cai's sister and their friend (extreme right)

James, wonderful buddy and bargain king. I like.

James, ying and me. James said that Ying and me look alike. Do we?

Sally, Ms Emerge once again!

Serena and terence, long time friends! waiting for your wedding invitations!

Seth aka cactus, long time buddy.


tiffany and Karen!!!

Annie, team mate/zone mate

xinying sister! Rachel.

Yuncui, Team mate. very gentle woman.

Karen, Cg member. She's a cool woman! love her openness!
Jessie, clarence mum and my cg member. Good cook!
Thank you for sewing the cute chipmunk!


CG Bros
Dedra, did me a huge favor by taking my cg group photo!

I have changed. This 4.5months really did mold and change me.
It's been a tough yet memorable time. I will never forget this season of my life.