Tending our garden.
Gen 2:15
"Then the LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of eden to tend and keep it."
Adam was created not only to have fellowship with God but also while he's on earth, to tend and keep God's garden.
Adam life work is to tend the garden then God's placed him in.
Our life's work is the garden that God's placed us in. Whether it's our studies or our career, that's our garden.
There's no need to differentiate serving in a church ministry between work; both are your garden. When you put your
heart into your work and be productive in it, you're also serving God. Your work is your garden.
As the saying goes, 'The grass is always greener on the other side.'
The truth for that is that you're not tending and keeping your garden on your side.
The grass on your side can be as or even greener if only you tend and keep it.
Orchard Jam
It's not peanut. Nope. It's not butter nor cream. Not cookies or strawberry either.
It's a total crap. The sound is horrendous. The sound guy is worse.
But i just had to play on the whole time. Well, for 10 dollars. sigh
Anyway, it's still an experience.
Today, i have to thank God for a miracle.
I left my wallet on the cab and only realised it 90mins later. Called city cab and the driver got it!
Hallelujah! Bless him with a small token of cash. Thank God!
Met one of Jim's uni friend, Ray, who works at SPH lian he Zao bao.
Saw his works 6 years ago and the present port folio after his university in melbourne.
Man. So much improvement. God! I want to improve and shoot like a master!
Dissatisfaction. New york! God pls open doors for me.
I wanna be a faithful steward of the talent you have given me.
Superman Returns
As the title suggests, I caught the movie over the weekend.
Man, i felt it was awesome! It's just so nostalgic because the last time i watched superman in the movies was with my parents before i started attending school. My brother told me is superman III, so i guess it is. Long long time ago! woah.
Anyway, superman returns was in the making for like almost 20 years, so of cause it's long ago. After watching it, i felt invincible and indestructible! Like every superhero movie, it makes you want to be one, to save the world with your powers!
now, we all have gifts, and you can save someone's world by impacting their lives!
haha. practical ways to make someone's life a better place, within your powers.