The fear of God
Exodus 20 : 20
And Moses said to the people, "Do not fear, for God has come to test you, and that His fear may be before you, so that you may not sin."I was reading John Bevere's 'Drawing near' and what i read impacted me. So i'm here to share what God have spoken to me, that through this, God may speak to you too.
This verse seems like an contradiction because of the word fear. First, moses said
'do not fear', then later he says that
'His fear may be..'
According to The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition; Fear have various meaning.
1a)A feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger.
1b)A state or condition marked by this feeling: living in fear.
2) Extreme reverence or awe, as toward a supreme power.
When Moses told the children of israel, 'do not fear' it was actually refering to the first meaning of fear. And later, 'His fear may be..' refers to the second meaning of fear.
lucifer, the chief Arch angel, known for beauty and splendor, was in charge of leading the multitude of angels in worshiping God. To be able to lead the people into the presense of God, firstly you must have a relationship with God; how can you lead someone to a place when you haven't been before? And definitely, God place trust upon lucifer too. How? He place lucifer as a worship leader who leads every angels in worship to God. If you don't call that trust, i don't know what you can call that.
Now we all know lucifer fell due to his pride. he believed that he can be just like God. But the thing that actually cause lucifer's downfall is the absense of the fear of God (Extreme reverence or awe).
The children were fearful(A feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger) because they knew that the glory of God would have exposed their darkness and they might end up dead because of their sins in lives.
But the children of Israel were all imperfect people, who have faults, weaknesses and mistakes; who wouldn't be fearful?
Consider moses. Don't tell me he's perfect. For we know none is perfect except God. What's the difference, then between moses and the children of Israel? Moses had the fear of the Lord in his live. He esteemed, honours and have an extreme reverence for God! Whereas, the children had not that( consider the complains that had against God when God continual provided for them in the wilderness). When we fear the Lord, we ain't afraid that any secrets of ours be exposed in His light because our hearts are open before Him. Our lives we live are an open book to God; we have nothing to hide. But when you don't have the fear of the Lord, you would naturally be afraid that His glorious light will exposes all your sins. That explains why the children of Israel did not dare to draw near to God.
Exodus 20:21"So the people stood afar off, but Moses drew near the thick darkness where God was."Live, therefore everyday of your live with the fear of the Lord!
what's your love language?
The Five Love Languages
My primary love language is probably
Quality Timewith a secondary love language being
Words of Affirmation.
Complete set of results
Quality Time: | | 9 |
Words of Affirmation: | | 8 |
Physical Touch: | | 7 |
Acts of Service: | | 5 |
Receiving Gifts: | | 1 |
Unhappiness in relationships, according to Dr. Gary Chapman, is often due to the fact that we speak different love languages. Sometimes we don't understand our partner's requirements, or even our own. We all have a "love tank" that needs to be filled in order for us to express love to others, but there are different means by which our tank can be filled, and there are different ways that we can express love to others.
Take the quiz
Hope this will bless you as much as it blessed me :D
Hi, I'm Phil PringleYou're going to love this;We don't have to understand everything. Much of life contains mysteries. This calls for trust.If we have to 'see' before we 'believe', we have joined the Thomas generation.Believing before we 'see' introduces us to greater blessing. If we don't understand why bad things happen, we need to engage trust, rather than cynicism. Do what God says even when you don't understand why. Trust Him. He knows what He's talking about
who do you look to?
matt 8:23-27
Most of the disciples are fishermen who were experienced in sea weathers. They knew what storms were like and they definitely were probably skilled in overcoming them to stay alive if ever caught in one. Here, a
great tempest arose and the boat they were in
was covered with the waves. surely, this was a scary moment for all of the disciples. Never in their life have they encounter such a stormy weather. They did everything they knew to try to stay alive; prevent the boat from sinking. There must have been a great deal of shouting and noise to be such a bad weather but amazing, Jesus was asleep! And finally when the disciples came to the end of themselves, they finally ran to Jesus for help. Jesus woke up, asked
why do you fear, o you with little faith, walk up to the boat already wet from the toss of the seas, rebuked the seas and there was great calm.
what have we learn from this passage?
1) when storms arise, we go about with our human strength to 'take care of it'
2) only when our strength fail, then we run to God for solutions.
3) When storms arises and we're falling, why do we even have the thought that we're gone for sure? When God says He's with us always?
Note, the disciples came to Jesus and said,
Lord, save us! We are perishing! There in the boat sits the Almighty God and they were fearing for their lives as if God didn't care! When God knows exactly how much hair we have on our hairs. The most insignificant details God is concerned. Can you imagine the significant details about you? God would have gone thru it over and over then He so famaliar. More famaliar then the amount of head on your head!
Now, the living person of God sits in their midst and they feared because they had no revelation of who God is! We fear because we have no revelation of who God is!
In His Eyes.
A friend of mine send me this email. So i'm here to share it with you :D
Years ago, I belonged to a church that stressed the saying, once saved, always saved.
Because of being brought up to believe this, I fed into the common act a lot of shallow Christians feed into.
I would sin willfully, with the intention of repenting the next day. Rededications were frequent for me in those days, until one night when the Lord appeared to me.
He had the crown of thorns on His head. He was bronze from the sun, and His eyes shown with compassion and love like I have never known.
Tears streamed down His face, as He spoke to me.
His lips did not move, yet I heard Him in my Spirit, all the same, say, "Cyndee, why do you crucify me over and over again?" As I gazed into those eyes, they were full of substance.
All He was, pierced my heart.
His great love for me flowed from those eyes into me, melting my stony heart.
Revelation of the meaning of salvation ignited me.
My heart was a flame of True repentance, as I had truly met the Master and seen through His Eyes the way I had been. I was changed that day.
His love changed me forever.
His Love today is what changes anyone.
The Love of God is Total, and it is Substance.
In God's Love is Revelation, and in His Love is Understanding.
In His Love is Salve for the Blind Eyes.
In His Love is Salvation from our lost self.
His Love is never empty and shallow.
When you taste of His Love you will be filled with Him and come away with something good in hand.
You can never taste His love without the revelation of its touch leaving an impression that will last forever. The Love of God comes to all of us with loaded down benefits of revelation of Himself.
It reveals the whole essence of God with one simple introduction.
Without it we could never understand why we would want to know this one called Jesus.
When He chooses to introduces Himself, we then, understand why the word says, "...He First Loved Us." "Taste and see that the Lord is good." Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I'm found, was blind but now I see. Blessings to you today and may you be saturated in God's Love.
songs from my heart to God.
Still by hillsongHide me nowunder your wingsCover me Within your mighty handWhen the ocean rise and thunders roarI will soar with you above the stormFather you are King over the floodI would be still, know you are God.
James 4 : 8
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.