Merry Christmas 2008
Well, today is boxing day and my cousin's birthday too!
Happy birthday andrea!
My christmas this year is not that bad compared to the
previous few years. In fact, it's quite a ride.
I had school christmas celebration at NTUC chalet on the
23rd. It's been such a long time that i stayed over at a chalet.
I was surprise by the how much Downtown East changed!
And so, it was a pretty fun party. I'm kinda surprise how
united this pioneer batch of Chapman students are.
We had games, food, alcohol (i didn't and can't drink)
christmas presents!
My classmate baked this for everyone. Personalised!

Another classmate who took the effort to type out a quote. Very good quote. I'll post it up next.

My christmas present!

There are 2 bad thing though. First, I lost my phone that night.
Although, i kinda like the feeling that no one can bug me
on the phone. Second, it was raining that night, and my shoes
were drained. :S I went back my tampines place to get my
replacement shoes. My trusty army boots. This boots had been
gone through alot with me during my army days.
Christmas Eve was spent in Church after which i went back to
tampines place to pick up my replacement SIM card, took a
cab back home because it's already 1130pm and i have to
wake up at 630am the next day for church. I spent the first
few mins of christmas in the cab deleting smses from my mother's
phone. Mostly 4D results throughout the year. haha. I always tease
her, if she doing like a research on patterns for 4D results, in the hope
of finding it and striking it rich. I finally lay my head to rest at 2am.
I woke up to a pleasant surprise. My brother and his gf gave me the
BIGGEST present i ever had in my life. Minus God's gift to me that is. :D
God's gift is the biggest ever. Nothing can top Jesus. Anyway, back to
the biggest 'human' present. There's noway i can top their gift.
So after church, i went shopping with some friends for their christmas
presents. I got a pair of Fossil watch for them. I like them pretty much
but they wanted to return to me. haha. But, i persuaded them to keep it.
Then, i slept at 3am, playing song guessing games with some classmate
online. Woke up at 12pm, grab lunch and went for my much needed hair
cut. Typing this blog now in the office, preparing to go for a job later.
And, i really really really need a holiday. haha. sigh.
Happy boxing everyone!
Heavy workload week
Right now as i'm typing, i am feeling so exhausted.
Last week til this week has been a crazy week.
Last week is the last week for my semester 1 in Chapman
and as usual, all the final assignments for the respective
course are due for grading plus test.
I have 3 written assignments, 2 test and in the midst of all
that, i've got jobs in between them. One for SSO, one for MOE,
one for Fendi, one for centrepoint and not to mention editing
about 2k of photos for a wedding i shot a couple of weeks ago.
Because of all the assignments and work, i can only start
working on the weddings photos on saturday to rush for the
monday deadline. Today, i have shoot at Suntec and i don't
want to think about the post editing i have to do for Fendi.
Funds are running bit low too. Need to chase for checks to come
in fast. Man, i'm so tire. i need a holiday.
before i start head diving into work in the office on a public holiday
Yes. I'm in the office on a public holiday.
In fact, i didn't even know it's a public holiday
until my classmate pointed it out to me.
To me, public holiday or no doesn't
matter me at all. Completely irrevelant. Except
maybe for CNY, any other holidays is just another
day for me. Anyway, i'm not here to rant about this.
This morning, is a great morning to sleep in. I woke
up at 5ish to the bloodly irritating bird crooking outside
my window, it's so loud, it feels like just right outside my window
which i think it really is. Trying my best to ignore it, i drifted back
to my sleep and woke up to find that it's a cool rainy morning.
Time check. 8am. Alright, i will snooze til 9am. I got too much
things to do, can't sleep in too much. I jolt out of my sleep at 9.07am
and go on with my daily routine.
I was enjoying the cold weather with cold wind blowing at my face
I'm all prepared with a warm jacket on. I love that feeling. I'm going
to listen to some slow soothing christmas tunes on my ipod on the
bus, with raindrops on the window of the bus.
On the bus, i realise something about myself. My emotions are pretty
raw in december. I think back to the last few decembers and found that
it's quite a constant phenomenon that happens to me. It might be the rain,
or the cold weather that evokes something in me. Now that i think about it,
December makes me feel vulnerable. Is it because it's the end of the year?
or is it because of a longing i have (my previous post)? I'm not too sure.
But i'm sure, i hardly feel what i'm feeling now throughout the year. I
wouldn't allow myself to get trapped in my current state, as it really
affects my emotional state.
December and christmas. Its a love-hate season, to be jolly, fa la
la la la la la la la. Hey, at least the people whose culture to celebrate
christmas have make singapore to be part of it. They included not 1 but
8 la(s) to the christmas song they sing. :D
In 4/4 timing
Fa (1) La (.5) La(1) La(.5) la(1.5), La(1) La(1) La(1) La(1).
last week of sem 1 in chapman
I'm feeling better everyone. Last week for my Semester.
Got 3 assignments + 2 test this week. Then it's break
time. Not to forget i still got jobs this week, post
editing for a wedding. Still busy!
This year is ending, and it's pretty quick year i feel.
Christmas is around the corner and this year, is going
to be another year where i won't be able to go some
where where there's snow. :( I always fantasize about
celebrating christmas in winter wear, with my gf/wife,
cold wind blowing our face, playing and strolling along
the snow, listening to nice chill christmas songs at the
fireplace, cuddling each other etc... :) will carrying on
what's happening
I don't know why. But suddenly i feel depress.
like there's nothing to look forward to.
my website is up!
Just inform those of you who read this blog - which i think is less than 10 human beings- my website is live!
please visit