back from cold turkey - update part 1
I'm saved by my aunt from a cold turkey of laptop-less.Thank you aunt audrey! You da best!
Although i was planning to get a macbook pro, but we
don't seem to be fated for each other. Nevertheless,
I'm still very contended with what i have in my hands
now. A new macbook 2.4ghz.

Back to update on my life.
Work life... my website should be out next week
so watch out for it! And i have another blog just
for my thought life of work and stuff i've been
shooting. Watch out for that.
I'm now at the last 2nd week of school and let me
tell you. I'M SO GLAD IT'S GOING TO BE OVER, at least
for one semester. I can't wait for it to end! Why you might
ask? Is it that bad? You know, funny thing is that i was
quite excited to go back to school and all at the beginning.
Then when the assignments started flying around, i was like
sian to the max. Specially for this class called screenwriting.
Every week i'm supposed to write a screenplay excerise with
different restriction. New ideas every week, fresh stories each
time and meeting the required requirements. I don't even
have so many ideas to write monthly much less weekly.
And we have to read it out in class aloud and the prof on the
spot will give comments on it. How fun is that? Plus i'm not
a writer by professional for heaven's sake. I'm a photographer!
My language is more visual than words. And so, i hate wednesday
(brain storming time) and thursday (screenwriting class).However
bad i made it seem, I'm glad i got my prof because he does have
experience in it and he gives us good valid and useful pointers on
how to improve.
So a few more final assignments to kill and that's it! Holiday. Back
to earning money and saving for next sem school fees! Seriously
, now, i prefer to be working than studying.
Besides that, just 2 weeks ago, we have a school outing to the
Inaugural 3DX - 3D film and technology exhibition. We were
treated to a couple of 3D movies (those you put the specs on)
that are going to be release next year. I have to tell you, i'm
very excited about this new technology. I can't wait to see the
movies from the trailers they showed us! Jeffery Katsenberg was
one of the speakers for the opening. Brandon Fraser was there
too. One of the highlights for me was when i went to watch U2-3D.
It's a U2 concert shot in 3D. It blew my mind. I can't really explain
to you, and also more like i'm lazy to describe, you just have to
experience yourself. It's like the army. There's only so much i can
about it, but when you experience it first hand, it's different. It
changes your life. I bought tickets for BLK A Pictures too. I
persuaded them to take a look at the newest and latest development
in film. And they too, are blown away by it.
Enough said, photos time!
In the cinema

Back in the office. The specs looks like this... The black frame
reminds me totally of army specs.

Once we're back in the office, we went online to try to find
3D stuff we can watch with our new specs.

The old version of 3D specs

I'll be back very soon. I promise. Got some other
pictures to show you guys! that's that for now.