Mud slide in Singapore
At about 5pm today, a couple of mud slides was reported along Kismisave. According to reports by passerbys, it was like nothing seen
before. In all, the slides were generally quite a sight to behold,
with occasionally vocal amusement from the small crowd gathered.
Following interviews with the residents in that area, we had
the comments they heard from the victims who experienced
the mud slide first hand.
" It's like potatoe field. I know how it looked like because i used to
work in a field like that in brunei with my father."
"I've got mud all over my face! I'm such a lousy #!$. This is not the first time!"
Frustrations seems to be the main concerns the first hand victims
have. According to further comments from the residents,
such negative remarks formed the minority. Most of the
victims didn't really complained about the inconvenience caused.
Another resident observed a remark made by another victim which
seems to a solution to this problem.
"The reason for this is because of the wet weather plus the poor
drainage system this place have. To avoid such catastrophe,
proper drainage have to be built"
Ending this new reportages will be photos send in by the victims
themselves. Personally, i feel the solutions for this problem is
to find another better field to kick the stupid ball.
Area of multiple mud slides. An evidence can be seen in the lower right of the photo

First 'leg' account

Soiled victim.

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