apple got worm
I just got back from the first session of Dr Bernard's Corporate Leadership Seminar. It's so good! Esp, if you're a leader in your company or a leader generically. Great examples were shared and really it's inspiring. Was a very relax, informative and a session filled with very good laughter. But of course, i was standing all through out the seminar. Why? I couldn't afford to pay $1000 for the seminar! But i can serve. So i did just that. :D Did i just hear someone saying "chey!" ? haha. ops.Last two days was quite busy. In total, i shot roughly 60 portraits in 2 days. It's a good excerise to learn to direct your subject and shoot them with a gun. haha. Well, some pple are comfortable, most are not though. If you're wondering what kind of job is that, it's the freshies orientation in CHEC ( All have to go through a photo shoot session for their report book. Yeah. No more passport size photos once u flip to the first page. I wished this service was in place in my days.
Oh. I have to conclude this post in this paragraph. (why? dunno.) What does my title mean? My laptop is behaving weirdly!
my goodness. Something wrong with the keyboards man. Now it's fine, but dunno when it'll go crazy on me again. By then,
I can't properly type a post like this at all! If it happens, i have to call the pest control (apple centre) to help me. argh!
signing off
Singapore 'afghani' boy
photo by jim mc-orca curry.

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