Sorry for not blogging. I was and am busy like a bee. There were, and still are, many things to do.MY dateline for NTU is becoming nearer each day. I'm starting to panic.
Last whole week to today, i haven got a day to rest. I can forget
about resting until i'm done with my NTU port folio and work.
I'm quite tire and sleepy right now, but oh well, press on i should.
Breakdown of what happen last week starting from Friday.
Assisted Jason with a photo shoot of cakes. HA! I've not seen
any cakes like these before. I'll post the photos later. Rush down
to Pst Ulf's meeting and got there at 945pm. Went on for a dinner
and got home about 12plus.
Saturday went in to office to complete my online application for
NTU. Went to Service and then went for dinners. Ended at home at
Sunday, Jenny's wedding shoot. I met Jenny when i was in Pioneer
Magazine. A very nice lady. Happy that she got married! Anyway,
i was suppose to just attend but the original photographer got
deployed to New Zealand. But, haha, i think, haha.. Nvm.
The red umbrella

Bride calling her 'collector'


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