Open your heart Day 2 and 3
Hello! I'm just going to let the photos tell the story. As much as possible. haha.The front of the tentage

Inside the big heart lies the heartfelt messages

Side of the tentage

Us (kevin, anne and me) with the kind souls of HPB who worked hard for this project!
Mindy and Janice. Chasing our butts for photos, captions, the short film, trailers etc etc. haha.

Kimberly Gordon. The producer of August 29 from 4titude productions.

The last mins guest! Almost missed the show!
Gabriel who i believed rushed down.

Desmond who rushed down too!

Us in front of my fav. photos. My hair is a mess

Us with Fiza, the person in charge of the whole event! She's superwoman.
If i tell you her schedule and the works she does, You'll be amazed!

alone in my space, one of the rare times.

Us before the whole tent is gone!

Tearing down the heart.. sobs..

special thanks to those who came down!
(if you read my tagboard, i have to do this!)
As much as i can remember! If i forgot your name
i'm sorry!!! In no order of appearances!
My mom, brother, aunt and cousin
Joo! Here here!! read your name!!!
My cell group!
Sally and angel!
Yishan and estella
Sharon SK! who got disturb by some weird guys. haha.
Desmond and Gf
Gabriel and .. noone. haha.
Shufen and shuli
Joseph and mitch!
Ryan and friend.
And to all who came! thank you for coming.
Hope you all enjoy it!
The next blog entry, i will share how i feel about
the whole thing! For now, i need to get outta heck
of here! Cheers everyone!
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